Showing posts with label netbeans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label netbeans. Show all posts

June 27, 2008

mobile programming basics

We have two famous java mobile project platform cdc and midp.Cdc is in base of uiq or nokia symbian or like that and we not focused in it now.Midp when combined whith cldc(is not same whith cdc) provide java standart runtime envirument see here for more info and
cldc defines the base set of application programming interfaces and a virtual machine for resource-constrained devices like mobile phones, pagers, and mainstream personal digital assistants and mainstream personal digital assistants (PDAs).You aren't forced to know this info and only you
need to know is that you should select best platform for you and your ide give you options for this porpose.For example in netbeans ide 6 you select menu file->new project and you see a dialog.In this dialog you select mobility and in project segment if you want programming in midp you can select midp and if you want programming in cdc you can select cdc in this segment.When you select midp you click in next and select your project name.If you want add middlet yourself you should remove tick from create hellomiddlet and now you should select cldc and midp version and device.
It is better that select default device because it is suitable for many device and other device are only availabe in some of device.Now you can start to programming
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