October 18, 2008

sample tips in making mobile game:graphics 1

When you making a mobile games you should know that you can't make full city or even building

and textured them.Because it forced to have bigger 3d models and some mobile device's(or all of

them!).In this case you can textured your desired city or building or...in sample plane or cube

and move camera toward them. in game it seems that you moved in real city or building but you

moved to image .Then you can add your game sample building and humans and creatures to other

side of pictures.like below

this is my video
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September 15, 2008

step2:rotation object in game

you can rotate your object in 2 way.Which way you select is in base of your games and

algorithms and graphics of your programs.In first way you can set origin in game by

setOrigin function or like it.prerotate and postrotate function invoke this origin on

base of your origin and object default origin and make new origin.( see here for technical

information) This way is used when you want change your rotation origin on base of your game

algorithm and you havn't any fixed origin for your objects .But you can set your orotation origin in3d model maker software's and export it m3g.it is better using mascot capsule because some

exporter maybe can't export your origin and will be using default origin. For this porpose in 3ds

max 2008 for rotate leg on base of its upside

first in command panel we select hierarchy(third box from left)

then select pivot button and click on affect pivot only and then you can see small pivots.it is your

rotate or move or scaling origin you can move it to your desired picture and then click on align to
object only button in below now you can rotate your objects in new origin in model and game.
you should export this model to m3g with tool that i said before or another good tool and use it in game

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September 5, 2008

steps in making real 3d game

moving of objects in 3d game is an important step in games and you should have good control in moving light and cameras .Camera position is on base of your game strategy and your game algorithm.for example in this test game(i'm still beginner) I set camera position with this code.
cam.postRotate(45, 0, 1,1); cam.setTranslation(xpos+40, ypos-50, zpos+60);
and you'll see camera in front of girl and above of her head when she moving near house.
in this video you will see how camera move(xpos,ypos,zpos is girl position in 3d place)

another method for moving is using transformation and transform matrix . a transform matrix is a 4 X 4 matrix and in java code you write it as float array with this code
float[] matrix={1,0,0,sx

Transform m=new Transform();
now for moving camera and human in x axis(1 unit) set sx=1 .If you have mesh with name human and camera you need only to this code for moving them.
With setting sy and sz you can moving in y and z axis

.Matrix transform is very good for rotation and scale also. In next post i show how you can moving human with rotate hand and leg and body.This game also need a sample algorithm for moving girl .

You can download game for playing from this link
(sorry for some problem in exit and speed it was my first game)
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August 4, 2008

Advanced programming II: images and text

Advanced programming II: images and text

Now we want focusing on making better game. For better game we need some text for showing score and some images for maps and other thing and at last a better graphics for getting your game more reality .

In design of 3d models you need getting texture from building and objects that you want to use in game. Some texture maybe force to distortion your model and even maybe you can’t see anything. And of course more high graphics texture and models may not be seen well in some old phone. For example when you download this game for p990 sonny erricson you see a picture like it

But when you want to download it for k750 from same company (sonny ericsson) you will see some graphics problem and maybe even you can’t see some models in older phones.

Add text and images and some functions

You can add text and images to your games with Graphics class and bind Graphics3D to it .You should add text and images to graphics after bind it to Graphics3D . it is an example code






graphics.setFont(Font.getFont(Font.FACE_SYSTEM, Font.STYLE_PLAIN, Font.SIZE_LARGE));

graphics.drawString("corner", 90, 150,

Graphics.TOP | Graphics.RIGHT);

In first code we bind target graphics(from Graphics class) to g3d(from Graphics3D) and in second line we render my world class . After release your g3d object you can change your graphics object and add image or add text .For add text I use three line for set color and font and text.

Add images is like that and only you need add function drawimage and image object to your code.This image can be maps or character picture or other thing.You can add some function also to your program for controlling move of cameras or objects in your game.I add a sample code for this porpose.



With this code camera will be stopped if it reached to left wall.In 3ds max wall y position was 20 and

Camera will be moved to Y with this code

camera.setTranslation(X, Y, Z);

You can see more in this project

download project
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July 24, 2008

Using pointer: download A sample pointer enabled killer game

I add a sample project for more discuss in light and cameras. it is only a camera moving in between walls(textures are from internet).I'll add gun and other effects to it in next time.You can also edit 3d model in way you want. This is my model in 3 direction:top,camera,left and perspective

This model have a camera and 3 light and you should draw your model on base of your camera(upper right picture) and if you want use another cameras also you should configure your model on base of them. In this model camera id is 14 and for loading camera in program this code is enough

Camera camera;


Camera position in this model is your person eye.You can move camera in every place with this code


For example you can move it with pointer with this code

protected void pointerPressed(int x, int y) {



Pointerpress is a function that invoked when a pointer pressed and x,y is pointer location in screen .You can say that when pointer pressed (x,y) location in screen camera can move.you can add image and text to game for this purpose also. In next post i add text and image to this project for getting better result from this project.

Download project

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July 16, 2008

Advanced programming I: lights and cameras

1.your 3d model

In every game you should select your lights and cameras carefully and move them on base of your objects moves specially in 3d games.

In this 3d model you see three light( free spot) and one camera and panel and ball(sphere).this is a sample game for moving a ball in panel.For using it you should export in m3g After do that maybe you see a view such this in a m3g player

As you see you may lost some graphics on base of your m3g exporter and your 3d software now you are ready for moving your lights and cameras.

2.moving your lights and cameras

Java have two class for moving light and cameras in m3g files with name Light and Camera.

For moving light and cameras you can use this codes

Light l=(Light)(Myworld.find(lighted);//getting your desired light

l. setTranslation(x,yz);//move it to x,y,z location

Camera m;m=(Camera)(Myworld.find(cameraid);//get your desired camera from your world

m.setTranslation(x,y,z);// move it to x,y ,z location

now you can run your game in netbeans emulator (see picture)but you should now that your game maybe presented in mobiles differently on base of their graphics.

You can send your comments about this post .I'll be glad for them.

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July 9, 2008

Download and develop your 3d java game mobile

For starting in programming with netbeans first I upload a sample java mobile game project that you can download it and run it or change it and even make a new game.

3d model making

1-for starting programming first you should have 3d model maker .this software should can export models to m3g.I using 3ds max 2008 but you can also use any 3d software like blender and a m3g exporter with it.Blender and m3g exporter are free.Maya is another good software for it but is not free.Every box and sphere you create in this software ,have an id in m3g that give you access to them and You can rotate and move this object .Graphics of this model maybe have some problem in

Some phones on base of their graphics.

Netbeans project information

2. After make your 3d model and export it now you are ready for programming .you should export your 3d model to subfolder "src\res" from your project folder .

My game engine is panel1 class and game canvas is "Canvas" and middle is hellomiddlet. 3ds model is in res folder (game1.max)with m3g file and you can change this model in way you want.your project name in netbeans is your project folder(unzip file after download) and you jar file is in dist folder.You can run it from mobile .In next post I'll explain my project functions and cods and models.

About functions and code

Panel1 class have two functions setmeshpositions and movemesh.setmeshpositions (15,35,35,35) means that your object with id 15 is positioned in 3 dimension space in xyz coordinate(x=35,y=35,z=35) and movemesh(15,"up",5) moving your object with id 15 to up direction in 5 unit.For example in this code

int state = getKeyStates();

if( ( state & DOWN_PRESSED ) != 0 ){

panel.movemesh(15, "up", 5);

state value is 1 when your using a key(in otherwise is 0) or no and DOWN_PRESS value say that you pressed down or

no and if two of them are true mesh move up 5 unit in up direction.you can change this code with replace up with down or like that.in next post I'll write some more about this codes and functions.

Download project now

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July 1, 2008

About middlet and gamecanvas


When you start to programming with java for mobile ,first class you build is midlet .Midlet is an interface between you and mobile. In netbeans you can easily add midlet automatically or with right click in project and in new menu click in visual midlet. In visual midlet you have a form by default and actions belong to it and in graphical interface you can easily add text or other thing to form but if you dont wnat to have form in your program you need only midlet.This class have functions like startApp,destoryApp,startMidlet and like .This function say's what you want to do when midlet started or your program started and etc.In middle you can also switch display of your program between graphics and forms that you make or add your command to your program. It is better that you have this class and game canvas and game engine in different file. It give your program better readability and of course better performance.You can use your game engine in other programs and your game canvas in other midlet and many other features.

Your game engine can also contains more class in base you programs.



In mobile programs you have also a gamecanvas (midpcanvas) class.This class contain function for pressing or dragging or clicking keys or pointers and you can add your functions to them.it is an example

protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) {

int action = getGameAction( key );



Case DOWN:






DOWN,UP,RIGHT,LEFT are predefined value's in gamecanvas class and their value is same with returning value from getGameAction(key) when you click down ,up,right and left key in mobile.

A game canvas also has paint function .With paint and repaint function you can draw your graphic world(you'll learn about it in following posts) .You can change your graphics world everywhere and repaint it everywhere also.But you should know more repaint in bad place in class forced to some problem in your game graphics .

With this primary information you are almost ready for start programming .

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June 27, 2008

mobile programming basics

We have two famous java mobile project platform cdc and midp.Cdc is in base of uiq or nokia symbian or like that and we not focused in it now.Midp when combined whith cldc(is not same whith cdc) provide java standart runtime envirument see here for more info and
cldc defines the base set of application programming interfaces and a virtual machine for resource-constrained devices like mobile phones, pagers, and mainstream personal digital assistants and mainstream personal digital assistants (PDAs).You aren't forced to know this info and only you
need to know is that you should select best platform for you and your ide give you options for this porpose.For example in netbeans ide 6 you select menu file->new project and you see a dialog.In this dialog you select mobility and in project segment if you want programming in midp you can select midp and if you want programming in cdc you can select cdc in this segment.When you select midp you click in next and select your project name.If you want add middlet yourself you should remove tick from create hellomiddlet and now you should select cldc and midp version and device.
It is better that select default device because it is suitable for many device and other device are only availabe in some of device.Now you can start to programming
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June 20, 2008

java mobile game programming

nowadays mobile game's are popular in world.why?Because mobile user's are increasing and ofcourse their user are different. from child's to young , from businessman's to unemployed people's .But everyone need game and music's for some funs in their tiring times specially young people's. In past time's game are limited in mobiles.Because Mobiles have limited memory and graphics but todays mobile have more memory and graphics and we can make better game .New game have 3d model's and high quality sound's that give user real world .Our focus in this blog is in 3d java game programming in mobile and how do it.I'm waiting for your comment about this blog and which content you need for mobile programming.
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